torsdag 18 augusti 2016

onsdag 3 augusti 2016


Den ska säljas.Bilen hittades i Tyskland och Elvis åkte omkring med den.Bilen var vit från början,men målades om till rött.Fansen kluttrade med läppstift på bilen.

tisdag 2 augusti 2016

Elvis mackan

The Elvis Sandwich: Grilled Peanut Butter, Bacon & Banana.

The peanut butter and banana sandwich with bacon has been referred to as a favorite of Elvis Presley, who was renowned for his food cravings. He would enjoy such concoctions as the “Fool’s Gold Loaf”, which consisted of a loaf of Italian bread filled with a pound of bacon, peanut butter, and grape jelly or jam.
Dom gjorde nog Gladys!